When it comes to burning fat some people may be clueless but most are not. Most people know the basics like cutting calories and working out. The thing about the science of burning fat is that there are so many things to know it is almost impossible to know them all. This can actually be a great source of frustration and cause you to give up if you are not getting great results right away. Here are a few of the lesser known things about burning fat to help you get that extra edge and make a fit lifestyle a....
Browsing Tag: Burn
We all know that metabolism refers to the way our body uses the calories from the food we eat and breaks them into energy. Probably, you may also know that our metabolic rate decreases with age at about 5-10 percent every decade. However, do you know that you can keep your metabolism at optimal levels for several decades? By keeping your metabolism at an optimal level, you will be able to burn fat faster and obtain a leaner body. Here are 6 proven steps to get you started. 1. Interval Training Your metabolism usually returns to its normal state soon after a moderate....

There are two culprits that people think help to lose weight when in reality it can add the pounds on. The belief of nutritional labels and exercise machines can actually hurt your progress. Now before your think I'm crazy hear me out. They have their place. Nutritional labels are important information about vitamins and minerals and exercise machines are certainly better then being couch potatoes. It's the myth of what nutritional labels and exercise machines lead people to believe about how they burn fat that creates the problem. Labels and machines mainly focus on the number of calories. This kind....
There are too many times during any body fat burning program when your results come to a screeching halt. You may have found an excellent program that burns fat fast in the first couple of days; but suddenly, your rapid weight loss stops, and you cannot figure out why since you are doing the exact same things as before. What has happened is that you have hit a “weight loss plateau”. This happens when the program that you have been using that has shown such great results runs into your body fat burning nemesis; your metabolism. You....