Browsing Tag: Foods

15 Fat Burning Foods- Burn Fat the Easy Way

Eating the right foods will help you burn fat quicker, even if you're just sitting around the house. Along with exercising, nutrition is the one of the things that will determine how much weight you lose and how fast you're able to lose it. So, what I'm going to share with you are 15 fat burning foods that will help you lose weight the easy way. The 15 fat burning foods are: 1. Chicken- great protein source. Very lean meat. Great for eating anytime of the day. 2. Salmon- Has healthy fats in it called omega-6 fatty acids. Great for weight loss and other....

Do Certain Foods Burn Fat?

Hey Gang Rob The Fired Up Nutritionist Here Again!! Ok do certain foods burn fat........ This is always a fun question to ask and even more so to hear the responses from people!! The question of do certain foods burn fat, is responsible for all those ridiculous diets on the market such as the cabbage soup diet and the grapefruit diet! I have even heard the silly saying "A Grapefruit a day keeps the fat a way"!! So seriously... when people ask do certain foods burn fat....... What does that mean, do they think the foods themselves FIRE UP the fat and burn it....

Fat Burning Foods That Burn Fat Fast

Victoria, I am so confused... I have no idea what to eat any more. With all the diet information out there right now, I don't know what to do. I just want to know what to eat to burn fat fast? - Caroline R. Caroline, I am so excited about your question. If you have ever struggled with dimply junk on the back of your legs and butt, then just take your time and soak up every word in this article. There are many gems that you can take away and begin today to start smoothing out that rocky road. Your question reminded....