Browsing Tag: Hips

Targeted Hip and Thigh Exercises Give you Firm and Shapely Hips and Thighs

The definition of sexy hips and thighs can mean different things to different women. Some may have extra fat and flab that needs to be reduced or removed. Some may be too skinny and flat with no muscle shape or sexy curves. Others may just have too much cellulite to even think about wearing shorts, a bathing suit or a sexy skirt. The bad news (good news comes later) is there is so much information from an endless number of sources that the simple act of finding out what to do and where to start can be extremely frustrating and sometimes....

Best Exercises for Hips Toning

Squats: squats are one of the most effective workout exercises to tone your butts. There are distinctive kinds of squat exercises, one being chair squats. All you need to do is to stand with your feet hip-width apart and make an attempt to squat, with your back straightened and tummy tucked in. Keep a chair on your backside and make an attempt to sit, with your butts slightly touching the chair. To stand, squeeze your butts. Repeat this exercise for about 8 to 12 times. Each person is different and fat gets stored in the body in a certain order. That....

Tone Hips

Tone hips... soon they will be yours. As easy as 1-2-3, firm hips become a part of who you are. You won't have to diet and you won't have to even set foot in a gym. HIPS HIPS Hooray! 1. Use a weighted hula hoop for toning and feminine definition A weighted hula hoop will cost anywhere from $10-20. It's worth it. It helps free you from the gym. Considering the gym probably charges you around $40 a month, it's a cheap alternative to consider. I want you to use a weighted hula hoop instead of a normal hula hoop....

Exercise For Toning Hips

It's every woman's dream; shapely hip muscles. From a human anatomy point of view, women tend to have larger hips relative to the waist (unlike men) since women tend to store higher amounts of body fat in the hip, buttocks and thighs. Each person is different and fat gets stored in the body in a certain order. That order is determined by gender and genetics. It's a myth that women can selectively lose fat in the hip region. In fact, 'spot reduction' is something that advertisers use to prey on unsuspecting customers desperate to try anything to shape up certain areas....